In 2012 the Village adopted an updated Comprehensive Plan. The plan encourages proactive utility planning and wise investment in capital projects to meet the community's needs. The Village's policy is to maintain it's utilities to protect the public's safety and welfare. The strategy being pursued in relation to the water system is to upgrade the water system to ensure adequate water flow and pressure to meet fire suppression standards, to actively pursue grant funding and state program aid to offset the costs associated with any required utility upgrades, and to actively investigate the transfer of the system to the Erie County Water Authority in order to avoid future long term capital expenses.
The Village's goal is to identify the most economical means of providing high quality drinking water to the residents of the Village, and to identify and quantify such redundancies and determine a means of eliminating any duplication, to the benefit of taxpayer/ratepayers. The objective is to reduce the long term operating, maintenance and capital costs of the water system to Village residents.
The Village, in conjunction with the Erie County Water Authority, applied to the New York State Department of State and received a Local Government Efficiency Grant to undertake a feasibility study of the operation and maintenance of the Village's water system. The Village engaged the services of GHD Engineering to assist with the study that has been financed by the State.
Below are copies of reports and presentations developed by GHD as part of the study of the Village's water system as well as the Work Plan contained in the grant agreement between the Village and State and the motions passed by the Village Board and the Water Authority that initiated the project.