Waste Handling Information

WASTE MOTOR OIL - Use container provided by village per request.  Containers can be picked up at the DPW garage, 375 Pleasant Avenue or call Public Works at 649-4953 and one will be dropped off on your next garbage day.  Containers are provided at no cost.  Put out next to weekly garbage (not in the tote).

MEDICAL WASTE -  Syringes and lancets ONLY may be brought to Village Hall, 100 Main Street or the DPW garage, 375 Pleasant Avenue in a SHARPS container.  SHARPS containers are available at Village Hall, 100 Main Street or the DPW office, 425 Pleasant Avenue at a cost of $5.00 each.

All other types of medical waste are not accepted by the Village.  Please contact your healthcare provider for questions about specific items and the proper disposal method for each.

CONTRACTOR WASTE - Any and all debris from work done by a contractor, including construction and tree service contractors, must be removed by that contractor.

MISCELLANEOUS - Plastic flower pots can be returned at the Hamburg Farmer's Market held on Saturdays from May to November for re-use. Broken pots can be put in your recycling bin for pick up at curbside.  All plastic bags can be returned to Tops or Wegmans.  There are several outlets, thrift stores, shelters and churches that will take clothing and usable household furnishings in working order.  The local Lions Club collects used eye glasses, or drop them off at Village Hall or return them to your optician.

 QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION - CALL 716-649-4953 Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Official Website of the Village of Hamburg, New York. Copyright © 2014
Village of Hamburg | 100 Main Street | Hamburg, New York 14075 | 716-649-0200 | FAX 716-646-6558