Request a Tree

Request a Tree

Did you know that as a Village resident or business you can request that a tree be planted in front of your home or business?

On an annual basis, tree plantings occur in public spaces throughout the Village including in Village parks and in Village right-of-ways (ROW's). Generally, on a Village street, the Village ROW is the space between the sidewalk and the street. If you believe that the ROW near your home or business would be a good place for a new tree, contact the Village Department of Public Works at 649-4953 to request a tree to be planted. You may also make this request via EMAIL. In your request make sure you leave your name, number, and address. The Village will then add your property to the request list. 

The Village of Hamburg and the Village of Hamburg Environmental Conservation Commission use the request list when making determinations on annual tree plantings. Annual tree plantings are limited by available resources including funding set aside in the Village budget. 

Click here to view the Village of Hamburg Tree Management Plan