Services, Permits, and Forms

The Town of Hamburg Building Inspection/ Code Enforcement office enforces the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and the Village of Hamburg Zoning Code.

Reviews plans for building permits to ensure the plans, specifications and any other information that may be required is in compliance with all codes before issuing the proper permits 

Performs inspections on all building permits to ensure compliance with proper codes.

Addresses complaints and alleged violations for validity and resolution per zoning codes and property maintenance compliance, if  there is a violation and it is not corrected we will bring the property owner into court and the judge will decide the final disposition.

Conducts fire inspections on commercial building and multiple unit apartment buildings to verify all smoke detectors and exit signs are functioning properly, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems and fire suppression systems are inspected and exit ways are clear of debris.

Receives and maintains storm water pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) reports for private subdivisions and commercial construction.