The Hamburg Economic Area Revitalization Task Force, Inc., also known as HEART, Inc., was created in 1985 as a Village of Hamburg "Main Street" organization to assist the downtown business district. The first target area or "assistance zone" included the Main Street and Buffalo Street business corridor. Currently, the target area includes Village of Hamburg businesses. HEART's program was designed to work in conjunction with other economic development programs to promote the Village of Hamburg and its business district. HEART's main focus was the creation of its "Commercial Facade Loan Program" in 1987 which is still active today. Loans are available to any business within the Village of Hamburg for commercial facade renovation, signage or even some interior improvements. To date, HEART has approved over one hundred and forty (140) Commercial Facade loans within the Village of Hamburg. For more information, contact:
Christopher Hull; Executive Director
(716) 648-6216