MONDAY - Center St., Center Ct., Central, Church, Crescent, W. Crescent, Evans, Haviland, Hillview, Huron, Idlewood, Lake, Lenora, Linwood, Lombardy, Long, Marvin, Memorial, Milford, Pierce, Rosedale, Scott, S. Buffalo, S. Lake, Summit, West, Westview, Woodview Ave., Woodview Ct., Union, W. Union.
TUESDAY - Birkshire, Blake, Boxwood, Brenton, Brookwood, Browning, Burton, Byrd, Camp, Canterbury, Crownview, Chapel Glen, Cottonwood, Elmview, Forestal, Foxcroft, Grimsby, Holiday Lane, Kenton, Meadow Run, Oak Hill, Paxton, Rovner, parts of Allie La., Jordy, Scooter, Stelle.
WEDNESDAY - All Saints, Anderson, Buffalo, Colvin, Division, Donald, Hawkins, Highland, Legion, Main, Maple, Marengo, Oakland, Oliver, Plaza, Pleasant, Prospect, Sickmon.
THURSDAY - Beverly, Clark, Dreschler, Dudley, E. Prospect, Euclid, George, Janice, Little Pine, McKinley, Mark, Martha (E. Prospect to Parkside), North, Norwood, Parkside, Sandra, Sherburn, Sherwood, Sunset, Therin, Torry
FRIDAY - Brendel, Charlotte, Darlich, E. Main, E. Union, Elizabeth, Henderson, Hunt, Huntington Ct., Martha (E. Prospect to Huntington), Newton, Pine, Randall Terrace, Raymond, Robert, St. Mary's, Sharon, Victory.